Monday, December 21, 2009

A kid funny for today

My son goes to preschool at the school that is part of our church. So when I picked him up today, I noticed a lot more cars than usual in the parking lot, then noticed the hearse up by the church doors. A funeral was going on. I didn't think much of it. We've all seen a hearse and been to a funeral.

My son comes running out the doors all excited because they got to make gingerbread houses today (yay!), when he notices the hearse. Then he gets even more excited and says "Look mommy a limo, a limo!!". Here I am trying to shush him and get him in the van so I can explain to him what it really is. All the while, he continues to yell "limo! limo!" as I'm closing the door and running around to my side. There were lots of other parents around so I was a little embarrassed, but heck, my kid can't be the only kid that has said something a little embarrassing, right? Right?!

Just my little chuckle for the day. Gotta love these kids!

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