Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is there ever enough time?

I may be a little too hard on myself, but I feel like I should be Wonder Woman or Super Mom - able to handle any situation at anytime, no matter what. All done patiently, gracefully and while looking not the least bit disheveled - ha! Don't get me wrong, I think I'm a pretty good mom, but I'm always wishing I could do more and do it better. Don't we want to do it ALL for our kids? **sigh**

All the thoughts that run through my head during the day is exhausting! - Need to buy thank you cards so my son can write thank you's for his birthday gifts, sit down and help him write said thank you's, buy bananas, french toast sticks and milk so breakfast goes smoothly in the morning, making mental lists of Christmas gift ideas, paying bills, returning library books, remember to clip the kids fingernails because they are getting a bit too long.... Oh, it goes on and on in my head. I know I'm not the only one with a busy family life, but once you get caught up in your daily hum drum of breakfast, school drop-off, work, pick-up kids, dinner, baths, bed it's easy to start feeling a little...blah. I'm so descriptive, huh? Love my kids to the moon and back, would do anything in the world for them, but a little mom/grown-up time is always welcomed!

What do you do when you get some time to yourself??

I recently went out and had a couple drinks with a fellow "mom friend", which I can't even remember when the last time I went out for drinks was! It was for only about an hour and we talked about kids most of the time, but the company was so nice. Very much needed. Feeling refreshed. Now I'm wondering what and when my next grown-up outing should be...perhaps to go see the movie New Moon? Team Edward!!

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